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Integer congue malesuada eros congue varius. Sed malesuada dolor eget velit pretium. Etiam porttitor finibus. Nam suscipit vel ligula at dharetra
Madeline Reilly is a local oil painter interested in capturing the beauty of nature, particularly water. Check out her work at Cornerstone during the month of July.
I started painting about ten years ago at the MechanicsburgArtCenter. For several years I took a floral class there led by Jeanne Hartman and a plein air class led by Earl Blust. I have worked with several more well-known artists over the years and signed up for as many workshops as I could. I have also taken classes in Florida.
I began my work in watercolors but switched to acrylic paints because I was painting outside more, and the watercolors dried too quickly. Now I am happily engaged in oil painting, which I think is where I will stay. I take a weekly class led by Cathy Mabius, whom many know for her beautiful oil landscapes. Cathy inspires me to learn more and more about the medium and aspects of art including color harmony, composition and technique. Soon I will take a three-day workshop led by Jason Tako and another well-known artist from Dover.
I guess I feel that since I was a late starter I must learn as much as I can quickly. I still feel overwhelmed by how much more I have to learn. It is quite a challenge! I would say that my inspiration comes from other fine artists in the area and from nature. I have always loved outdoors and the seashore: rivers, marches, the ocean – almost any kind of water.
For someone starting out I would recommend studying art locally as well as visiting museums, reading art books and trying to figure out what it is about art that you really like. Then find someone whose work you admire and take classes from that person. After a period of time you will become curious about what you can learn from an intense workshop – painting six to seven hours a day for three days. I am always looking ahead to my next painting, looking forward to the challenge. I either work from my own photos or from nature – plein air. I try to paint every day in my home. Of course, that is not always possible, but I keep it as my goal.
If you want to check out more of Madeline’s work, visit her blog:
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